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Are you struggling with debt?

Many people are plagued with debt for a variety of reasons.  While some people spend too much money due to lack of a sound budget, others face unforeseen events including but not limited to: job loss, divorce, health emergency, and death.  For many of these financial challenges, help is available.  However, the best preparation for unforeseen events is to plan ahead by saving and keeping a budget. Answer the following True or False questions to determine if you have a problem with debt:

  1. I can only make the minimum payment on my monthly credit card bill?
  2. I am at or near the limit of my credit card?
  3. I am regularly taking cash advances on my credit cards to pay for things I need (e.g., food, gas, etc.)?
  4. My credit card balance continues to grow each month and I don’t know why?
  5. I often do not know how much I have spent at the end of the month?
  6. I am using my savings to pay current bills (e.g., mortgage, car note, etc.)?
  7. I am often late paying bills?
  8. I do not have an emergency fund equal to a minimum of three months worth of my current expenses?
  9. One or more members in my household do not have health insurance?
  10. I do not know my net worth.