Okay, you are almost there. You have your goals on paper and you have begun to work toward them. Now the question becomes, "How can you make your money really work for you?" You will have to start saving money and ideally have that savings in interest bearing accounts.
Most financial planners suggest that you start by saving 5-10 percent or more of your pre-tax income. This is in addition to your contributions to your retirement plan. Funding your employer sponsored retirement plan takes care of one your long term goals. If you have children, you should consider how much you can save toward their college tuition too.
Assuming you have your emergency fund in place and you have begun to save 5-10 percent or more of your pre-tax income, you should consider moving that money into an investment. Investing your money will provide a better return than your savings account. This means you will be putting your money into higher interest bearing assets, such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds. While there are risks, history has shown that over time, you will generally experience a return on your investment.