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Rate of return: The return on an investment expressed as a percentage of its cost. It is also referred to as the "yield."
Reconcile: To balance your checkbook (check register) by logging any debit or credit charges to your checking account.
Refinance: Paying off an existing loan with the money from a new loan using the same property as security. Homeowners do this to reduce their monthly mortgage payment or to draw equity (cash) out that the home has built up over time.
Renewable: A type of term life insurance that permits you to extend the term of your initial coverage.
Replacement value: The amount it would cost to rebuild your home or replace other property in today's dollars.
Return: Any profit or loss from a business or an investment.
Revenue: The income of a business after operating expenses and other deductions from sales.
Revocable trust: A type of trust that you can change or dissolve after its creation. The assets contained within a revocable trust are taxable as part of your estate, however, not as part of your probate estate.
Revolving credit: A type of credit that allows you borrow up to a certain credit limit for a defined period of time. Throughout that period, the balance may vary from zero up to the maximum amount.
Risk: The possibility that you will lose some or all of the money you have invested in securities, business etc.