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Named perils policy: A homeowner's insurance policy, which offers limited protection and covers damage that results from fire and theft.
Negotiating: To bargain for a lower price.
Nest-egg: The money you live off once you retire.
Net Profit: Business profits after total expenses from your total revenue.
Net worth: Your total assets minus your total liabilities.
Non-fixed expense: An expense that varies in cost from month-to-month.
Non-forfeiture clause: A stipulation of various long-term care insurance policies that allows you to qualify for partial coverage even if you have let the policy lapse.
Nonqualified annuity: A type of annuity you can purchase on your own. Typically once you have contributed the maximum allowed to your employer's retirement plan to an IRA, then you can contribute to a nonqualified annuity.
No-load mutual fund: An open-end investment company whose shares are sold without a sales charge.