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Level term insurance: A type of term life insurance that allows you to pay the same premium amount during each year of the term. The death benefit remains the same for the term.

Liabilities: What you owe in loans and other obligations.

Liability insurance: Insurance coverage to protect a business against claims resulting from injury or property damage etc.

Lien: A legally binding claim or a "hold" on some type of property, whether personal or real property, making it collateral against monies or services you owe to another person or entity, who is the lienholder.

Lienholder: A person or entity that possess a legal claim to your property due to a default in an agreement.

Liquidity: How easily an asset or security can be bought or sold without affecting the asset's price.

Long-term capital gains: Any gains you realize on an investment that you have held for longer than a year.

Long-term care insurance (LTC): A type of insurance that covers the cost of custodial healthcare costs, including nursing homes, which Medicate does not cover.