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Garnishee: A court ordered settlement that allows a lender or other stakeholder to take monies owed directly from someone's paycheck.
Global fund: A mutual fund that invests in companies anywhere around the world, including the U.S.
Good faith estimate: A written estimate of the costs you should expect to pay at a loan settlement for services performed in connection with a mortgage loan.
Grace period: A time period during which a borrower can pay the full balance of credit due and not incur any finance charges.
Gross income: A person's entire income before subtracting any allowable adjustments, deductions, and exemptions.
Gross profit: A company's sales or revenue, minus the cost of the goods and services used to produce goods and services.
Growth fund: A mutual fund with an investment focus of companies that have the potential to increase significantly in value.
Guardian: Someone appointed in a will to take care of children or other dependents that are unable to take care of themselves.