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Balance: The available amount of money in a savings, checking, or other account. It can also reflect the amount still owed to a creditor on a loan or revolving line of credit.
Balance sheet: Lists the assets and liabilities of a business. It provides a glance of where a company is financially at a specific period in time.
Balanced fund: A mutual fund that invests in more than one type of financial asset.
Balloon mortgage: A mortgage loan that has a lower than normal interest rate for a set period. The entire loan amount becomes due at the end of the term requiring a lump sum payment.
Beneficiary: The recipient of assets passed on from the death of someone.
Bond: A debt instrument or security where a company or the government owes you money and promises to pay a fixed interest rate and repay the principal by a certain date.
Budget: A spending plan for a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly period.
Buyer's remorse: Regretting a purchase made.