There are over 45 car manufacturers in the world. These manufacturers sell cars from both the low to high end of the spectrum. Each manufacturer has as many as a dozen models to choose from. This broadens your options even more. Thus, on any given day, you may have as many as 400 models to choose from. If that isn't enough options, depending on if you buy new or used, the cost can range as little as $500 to over $100,000.
The good news is that there are lots of resources out there to assist you in the process of making your car purchase, including various online resources. Sites like or can help you determine the true value of virtually every car available. You are also able learn about recalls, problems, and general feedback from owners of these cars. When used wisely, these resources can help you better negotiate the purchase of your next car, new or used.
After you have done your research it's time to approach sellers. These days you have a variety of mediums from which to purchase your car. You can go to an auto dealership, shop online, search the newspaper classifieds or attend auctions. After you have spoken to the seller, the next step is going to see the car. You never want to make a purchase without first seeing, test driving and having a diagnostics done (if buying used from a private owner) on the car. Most reputable dealerships will have already done a diagnostics and will provide you with some kind of warranty.